Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Yesterday Was Good and Bad

Right here, right now, I'm going to do the bad part first.

The bad part was that when I was in the shower, I dropped the washrag onto the drain. The rag kept the water from getting in the drain. And after it started rising and rising, I was trying to make it like a bath but the water was going out the door and I did not know it.

Then I heard my grandma say "Casey, what happened?" Then I got out of the shower and asked "what?" Then I saw the river going down stairs. It was just like a real river that was just going down the waterfall. The upstairs and downstairs were flooded. And we drowned. Right now, I'm in heaven. Seriously, my grandparents weren't very happy.

Here's a picture of the shower.

Now--there's two good parts.

When I was at school the teachers were saying to me, that they didn't want me to go back home to San Diego. "We're not going to let him go," they said to the custodians. Two kids heard and said, "yea, we want him to stay." And they said, "Non vai via, Non vai via,Non vai via." That means "don't go away, don't go away, don't go away." This made me feel really happy. I want to stay here, too. Grab my dog and come here because I miss him.

The other good part was that yesterday Camilla felt better. She had been sick for 4 days so we couldn't play together. But today she was better and she came to school. For me, she's like a sister.

This is Camilla with me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Casey. Good thing Grandma and Grandpa know about forgiveness. That's the great thing about being forgiven. We can forgive others. Hope the house has dried off now. Love, Aunt Joyce

Alice Twain said...

I will write my comment twice: first in Italian and next in English: consider it an exercise, Casey ;-P Maybe you could reply to me in Italian too!

Quando avevo più o meno la tua età, forse un paio di anni in più ma non di più, sono andata in vacanza con i miei nonni (sai, anche io sono cresciuta con i miei nonni). Andammo per un mese nella aprte più bassa delle Alpi, le Prealpi, vicino a Bergamo, e il piccolo appartamento che affittammo non aveva la doccia, aveva la vasca. mia nonna sapeva che a me piaceva di più fare la doccia che il bagno, così chiese alla padrona di casa se potevo usare la sua doccia. Be', a me andava bene fare il bagno al posto della doccia per qualche giorno, mentre ero in vacanza (Dopo tutto era uan vacanza, le cose dovevano essere diverse da casa), Eppure, mia nonna lo chiese. Il problema era che la doccia della padrona di casa aveva questo spruzzo terribile che andava dappertutto tranne che su di me e non aveva la tenda (NIENTE TENDA!). Alla fine ho allagato tutto il pavimento del bagno e c'era un filo d'acqua che scorreva nel corridoio. Corsi indietro nel nostro appartamento senza dirle niente e feci il bagno per il resto della vacanza. Adesso non sono molto orgogliosa di come mi comportai.

When I was about your age, maybe a couple of years older, but not more, I went on holiday with my grandparents (you know, I grew up with my grandparents too). We went for a month to the lower part of the Alps, the Prealps, near Bergamo, and the small apartment we rented did not have a shower, just a bathtub. My granny knew that I preferred showering to bathing, so she asked the landlady if I could use the shower. Now I was perfectly fine with having a bath instead of a shower for a few days while on holiday (I was on holiday after all, things had to be differet from how they were at home). Still, my granny asked for it. The problem is that the landlady's shower had this terrible spray that went everywhere except on me and no curtain (NO CURTAIN!). I edened up flooding the whole bathroom floor, and there was a trickle of water running through the corriddor. I ran back to the apartment withouth saying I think to her, and just had baths for the rest of the hliday. Now I am not particularly proud of myself.

Jane said...

Cara Alicie,
Noi siamo come due piselli in un baccello. Io penso che la tua storia è buffo come il mio.
Grazie per scrivere a me.

É più facile per me parlare italiano non scrivere.

Alice Twain said...

Però scrivi molto bene! Bravo.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Casey! And Brava to the ever generous Alice who has welcomed so many of us to her beautiful country and her madre lingua.....truly two peas in a pod.....what a lovely post to read after a long and "faticoso" day!

Jane said...

Thank you, Laurie

KZ in TOSCANA (or KC in So. Cal.)


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